
The following is our work on fiber-optic projects and the number of achievements during the last two years


* Working on a Fiber Tech project, a subcontractor with Harbi Shbilat company Amman Zarqa

•Working to install the home internet and activate the service


Working on a Fiber Tech project, a subcontractor with Lewan company

HP-Fiber tech (DROP CABLE)
HP-Fiber tech (ODF with Couplers SC/UPC)
HP-Fiber tech (Prime Joint)
HP-Fiber tech (Branch Joint)
HP-Fiber tech (Drop Joint)
Working to install the home internet and activate the service
Installing ADSS Cable, including installation of all needed to be
cable fittings and accessories For All size cable (144,96,48,24)

Working in Orang project subcontractor with NOKA company

Working to install the home internet and activate the service
Maintenance work FTTH ORANG
Selling and signing a contract with the customer, installing and activating the service

Working on a Zain project subcontractor with Sufian Alnaser company Zarqa Irbid

Working to install the home internet and activate the service
FTTH (Civil, Telecom) Laying ADSS Feeder and Sub-feeder Cables Over Poles (144 cores), including installation of all needed cable fittings and accessories
FTTH (Civil, Telecom) Laying ADSS Feeder and Sub-feeder  Cables Over Poles (96 cores),including installation of all needed cable fittings and accessories
FTTH (Civil, Telecom) Laying ADSS Distribution Cables Over Poles (48 /24 core)
FTTH (Civil, Telecom) Installation of Main Fiber Distribution Box (FDT) on poles. -Terminating 8 core from feeder cable (144/96) inside the box using UN Cut mechanism (A & B) on 8 pigtails, as an uplinks for the splitters (2:16) according to the telecom plan. – Testing
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