Working on a Zain project subcontractor Zarqa Irbid Working to install the home internet and activate the service FTTH (Civil, Telecom) Laying ADSS Feeder and Sub-feeder Cables Over Poles (144 cores), including installation of all needed cable fittings and accessories FTTH (Civil, Telecom) Laying ADSS Feeder and Sub-feeder Cables Over Poles (96 cores),
Orang project s
Working in Orang project subcontractor with NOKA company Working to install the home internet and activate the service Maintenance work FTTH ORANG Selling and signing a contract with the customer, installing and activating the service at the
Fiber Tech project
Working on a Fiber Tech project, a subcontractor with Lewan company HP-Fiber tech (DROP CABLE) HP-Fiber tech (ODF with Couplers SC/UPC) HP-Fiber tech (Prime Joint) HP-Fiber tech (Branch Joint) HP-Fiber tech (Drop Joint) Working to install the home internet and activate the service Installing ADSS Cable, including installation of all needed cable fittings and
شبكات الالياف الضوئية
تمديد وتشغيل وصيانة شبكات الالياف الضوئيه، وتفعيل الانترنت المنزلي